Psilocybin is a chemical found in certain types of mushrooms that when consumed cause and hallucinogenic effect. This chemical belongs to the same family as LSD due to the similar effects.
These hallucinogens are used by people in various ways, depending on what form they come in. The mushrooms are either boiled or dried, and then smoked or eaten. Some people will even swallow or smoke the mushrooms.
The effects caused on a short term basis include:
- Hallucinations
- Distorted sense in place and time
- Poor co-ordination
- Increase in the temperature of the body that causes the person to either sweat or experience chills
- The user will experience loss of control in concentration and thinking processes
The effects caused on a long term basis may cause the user to experience prolonged depression, anxiety and impaired memory. Another long term effect is something known as a flashback that can occur even years after taking the drug.
Natural hallucinogens usually cause a person to have a psychological dependence to the drug, rather than a physical dependence. A regular user of the drug can start to experience feelings of craving or need when they stop taking it.
The danger of using these mushrooms is that some contain a highly toxic poison, this can cause the person to become violently ill due to the poisoning effect and can even lead to hospitalizing or even death.
The poison in the mushroom is known as Datura and is very similar in appearance to the ones used for their hallucinogenic effects. It is therefore easy to confuse the two and the outcome could be fatal to the user.
Even though mushrooms are a natural drug .It is advisable for any person that abuses a drug to seek the help of a treatment center, to aid them in leading a normal life again.