Someone who is addicted to sleeping pills, like Lunesta or Ambien, may find themselves unable to sleep without the drugs. Though it is possible that the doctor prescribing it will increase the dosage, there does come a point where the practitioner will no longer write a prescription for a higher dose.
Even at the lower levels, taking sleeping pills can be dangerous. If the patient has kidney or liver disease, the medication can make it worse. This is because the drug must go through the entire body. A damaged liver will have difficulty processing it.
The possibility of overdose can be high if the person believes that they can not sleep without it. Sometimes, the patient may even forget that they have already taken a dose. Because it puts the person to sleep, they may simply lie down for bed and never wake up again.
Generally, sleep medications should only be used for a short period of time. The patient needs to work on other therapies to help them go to sleep without the use of pain medications.
If someone has become addicted, it is important that they tell their doctor. Though this honesty may be difficult, the doctor can help the individual to wean off of the medication. It may even be necessary for the patient to enter a drug rehabilitation program. They can supervise the withdrawal and help the patient with alternatives.