Monday, September 29, 2014

Why Hydrocodone Addiction is a Serious Drug Addiction

Many people seem to think that addictions such as Oxycontin and hydrocodone are relatively mild addiction. Simply because these drugs can be prescribed by a doctor, many people seem to think that they are not ‘drugs’ and are not serious if they are used regularly. Truthfully, these addictions are very serious and are essentially on par with an addiction to heroin. This article will go through why an addiction to hydrocodone is a serious drug addiction.

Hydrocodone is a very commonly prescribed drug for treatment of such things as severe pain and post-operative complications. Sometimes, hydrocodone is prescribed by doctors for men and women who suffer from chronic pain. In addition, there is a thriving black market which consists of corrupt chemists, doctors and pharmaceutical members who supply hydrocodone and other prescription drugs to the streets.

Hydrocodone belongs in a class of substances called opiates. Other drugs such as Oxycontin and heroin all belong in the class called opiates. This means that all of these drugs are very similar in their chemical composition as well their effect on the human body. The main effect that opiates produce is an extremely intense euphoria as well as the numbing of pain and mental conditions.

An addiction to hydrocodone brings the risk of increasing tolerance which means that more and more of the drug are taken. This can lead to potentially deadly overdoses as someone takes one too many hydrocodone pills and ends up in cardiac arrest. In addition, the addiction to hydrocodone and other opiates brings forth with it extremely bad withdrawal symptoms which may cause someone to feel like they are bound to be addicted for the rest of their life.

The future for those who choose to continue to be addicted to substances such as hydrocodone is very bleak. This is why choosing to become sober is extremely important for someone who is addicted to hydrocodone.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What To Do If You Are Addicted To Pain Meds

If you are addicted to pain meds, you need to get some help. The best thing to do is tell your family and friends about it and then find a good treatment center to go to. You would need to also talk to your doctor about it.

When you get to a treatment center, they will be able to help you break your addiction. It can be a hard thing to do and you will probably go through withdrawals. The treatment center can help you through all of that and even give you something to help you.

Support Systems

You will also be able to attend some group sessions while you are at the treatment center. This would be a good thing because not only is it a good way to get through everything but you might be able to make some friends. It would be nice to have people you can walk this journey with.

Hopefully you will have family and friends who will support you on your road back to being healthy. They can stand by you when you are feeling sad about it and encourage you when you feel like giving up. They can also be there for when you get out and need to be surrounded by good people.

Treatment and Recovery

The amount of time you need to spend in a treatment center is different based on what your needs are. Some people need to stay in there for a long time and others only need to be there for a few weeks. You can ask your doctor and medical team about how long they think it will be for you.

Once you get out, keep in mind that it might be hard to get back to feeling normal again. You will have some challenges but remember that you can get through them. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How To End Your Addiction To Methadone

One of the most potent synthetic analgesic drugs that has ever been made is called methadone. It is very similar in chemical structure to morphine, but it lasts much longer. People that are addicted to heroin or morphine, both of which are derivatives of poppyseed plants often find themselves finding relief from their addiction by using methadone. Unfortunately, this drug can also become very addicting which is why you should find a way to end your addiction to this substance. Here are some tips on getting the treatment that you need and how you can successfully rid yourself of your cravings for this opiate-based narcotic.

Why You Should Avoid Opiates

You probably will never understand why opiates are so bad until you have actually had them and developed an addiction. There is a certain craving that starts within you, motivating you to do anything that you can't in order to get this narcotic into your system. The withdrawals are also horrible, causing people to sweat, have spasms throughout their body, and thinking terrible and depressing thoughts. Once you are off of the drugs, however, you will definitely feel better than ever and fully understand why you should not use them again. Whether you are taking opioids or morphine derivatives, morphine, or fentany, your addiction to pain meds can and very quickly by finding a treatment center.

Treatment Centers For Morphine Addicts

If you are addicted to morphine, fentany or methadone right now, you can find a way to kick the habit by finding a treatment center. The best way to locate these businesses is to talk to your doctor, or even use the Internet. By checking in as soon as you can, you will be able to get the help that you need to kick the habit of using these opiate-based substances.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Common Signs of Substance Abuse

Addiction to barbiturates is a common problem. The group of drugs known as barbiturates includes seconal, phenobarbital, nembutal and amytal. These depressants can be incredibly addictive. People take them to calm anxiety, and then end up depending upon them, taking them more than they should and allowing their habit to have a negative impact on their lives. When this happens, the person has fallen into a pattern of substance abuse. Drug tolerance can often develop, and this can mean that they need to take ever increasing doses.

When a person who is abusing barbiturates stops taking them, the withdrawal symptoms can be severe. However, this is not the biggest concern. Using barbiturates to achieve a "high" is dangerous. The difference between a dose that creates a high, and a dangerous dose, is small. An overdose of barbiturates can cause a coma, respiratory failure, and even death. Some people experience adverse reactions to even fairly small doses of barbiturates. Others, when they suddenly stop taking the drug, can experience seizures as a part of their withdrawal symptoms, and there is a risk that the seizures can be fatal.

People who are dependent on barbiturates often become withdrawn and secretive. They may have unusual mood swings, and they may have interpersonal problems, struggle to function during the day, and find that they sacrifice other things in an attempt to feed their addiction.

When they attempt to stop taking the drug they may experience anxiety, nightmares, insomnia, a decreased appetite, fever, seizures and mood swings. It is important that they seek medical attention, because withdrawal is best managed under the supervision of a doctor who can intervene or provide access to medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms. Most people can pass through withdrawal safely in just a few days.