Alcohol can be toxic when consumed in massive doses over a short period. The body will not have time to process it and will be overwhelming with the quantity. This kind of binge drinking should be avoided by people who are not used to it. The strength or concentration of the alcohol in the drinks is significant as well. Refer to the proof or percentage of content on the label. Hard drinks, even in small amounts, may be enough to cause seizures in some individuals. Patients may also experience other symptoms including fainting spells, pale skin, vomiting, confusion, and irregular breathing. The worst case scenario would be death.
People who are trying to move on from the habit may also find themselves having seizures. In a way, it's similar to binge drinking in that it also overwhelms the body but in reverse. This usually happens to people who are used to regular massive alcohol consumption that suddenly cut themselves off completely from drinking. The body craves its usual dose and succumbs to seizures because it cannot get its fix. The person has already developed a physical dependence and is now suffering from a grand mal seizure. Muscle contractions and the lack of consciousness can last for up to 20 seconds. Some might also experience hand tremors, anxiety, hallucinations, insomnia, nausea, and elevated heart rate.
Lastly, some episodes of seizure may be brought about by alcohol intolerance. It is a form of allergy to the substance so it only affects certain people. Symptoms can be quickly apparent upon consumption and are usually mild. Many will find their faces reddening. Others will experience nasal congestion. Headaches, heartburn, nausea and elevated heart rate are common. Seizures may happen if a sensitive person consumes large quantities.