When you're trying to get off of benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium, then you're going to need some help probably. The following text is going to help you to figure out what you can do to get yourself into rehab and off of this addictive type of medication.
Don't just stop taking this kind of medication cold turkey if you've been using it for a while. The problem with coming off of this medication is that you can experience seizures and other symptoms that are life threatening. You may start to hallucinate and you'll get shaky, much like alcohol withdrawals. If you can, you need to ask your doctor if you can get on a tapering plan so that you can slowly ween yourself off of this medication. Just stopping is dangerous, and if you feel like you're having any difficulties when you stop you may want to check into the hospital.
Don't think that rehab is just for people that are on drugs that you can get on the street. There are plenty of people that have to get into rehab that are using their prescription medication in the wrong way. It's going to be tough to admit to yourself that you have a problem, but once you get a little bit of sober time under your belt you're going to realize that you feel quite a bit better without these substances ruling your life. It can be done, you just have to be serious with yourself about quitting.
As you can see, there is help for you if you're on medications like Ativan or any benzodiazepine. You just have to be ready to quit and willing to get some help. You're not in this alone and there are people who have beaten this same addiction in the past!
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