There a drug epidemic going on that is as devastating as the crack epidemic of the 80's, yet no one is really talking about it. Crystal Meth is destroying the lives of millions of people across the world. It is a drug that can turn a vibrant young person with their future ahead of them into a soulless zombie. If you have the time, please Google the before and after pics of crystal meth addicts. You will notice that they seem to age a hundred years in a three year period. One of the most heartbreaking images is of a beautiful young lady who destroyed herself with this drug to the point where after five years of using it she no longer looked like herself and took on a very frightening look. I am not making this up. Use Google to verify it, this drug is a killer and it is big money.
Not only does this drug destroy its users, it causes fires and destroys neighborhoods. Making crystal meth is dangerous, it causes chemical fires and it releases fumes in the air. Recently, it has been found out that International gangs are renting out homes in suburban areas to cook crystal meth. They take these homes intended for families and turn them into a drug factory. The problems come when they catch on fire or someone rents or buys the house after them and the fumes from the drug are in the walls and children inhale these chemicals. Crystal meth is a killer and it is taking over the country. It is White Man's Crack and popular in poor white areas more so than anywhere else.
If you need help recovering from crystal meth, there is a chance. Though this drug is quite dangerous, many have successfully quit using it, and have returned to a normal life of sobriety.
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