The war on drugs has been going on for decades. So much money has been poured into trying to stop the flow of drugs into the country, that it is impossible to count it all. Many techniques have been tried, resources have piled in, and yet after all of this, cocaine abuse is still rife in society.
This shows that either the current policy of trying to control drugs is not working, or there is not enough effort put into helping those who are hooked on crack. So can anything be done about the situation?
When it comes to trying to stop the supply of crack rock, it is the same story across all countries. No matter how many resources are put in place, the supply always seems to continue at the same rate. Very rarely are there shortages at street level.
Even when one of the agencies manages a big bust, the supply chain continues. Is there an answer to this issue? Well, if there was, someone, somewhere would have tried it already. Even legalizing drugs would be problematic. The government may make a profit on selling them, however, the big dealers would just undercut whatever the price was.
It is a different story when it comes to dealing with drug addicts though. Most governments around the world have numerous policies in place to deal with drug addiction. In most cases, though, they are either too expensive for the average person, or not enough places exist.
Drug rehabilitation has a very good success rate, and yet with places limited, many people who have the will to get off drugs, just do not have the professional help to do so. This then leaves them with their addiction, even though they would love to stop.
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