Addiction to Heroin is a serious problem that many people deal with. However, not everyone is aware of what the long-term side effects of Heroin use is. Some of the effects of long-term Heroin use are as followed:
Two of the long-term effects, as well as some of the most common ones, is bad teeth, as well as gum inflammation. However, perhaps the most common side effect of all are collapsed veins. Collapsed veins are a result of injections. Not many people are aware of this, but another effect of long-term Heroin use is loss of memory. If memory loss does occur in a Heroin user, then the chances are they are a chronic user and inject regularly.
Many Heroin addicts lose weight during the course of their drug use, and this is usually because they lose their appetite and don't eat as much as they should be eating.
The longer a person uses Heroin for, the more at risk they are at getting Hepatitis. A person also increases their risk of developing Aids.
The long-term effects of using the drug, as previously discussed, include:
. Bad teeth
. Gum inflammation
. Collapsed veins
. Memory loss
. Loss of appetite
. Higher risk of developing Hepatitis
The long-term side effects of using Heroin are not limited to the effects previously discussed. There are other ones that a person may experience over a period of time. If someone is dealing with Heroin addiction, then they should speak with their doctor as soon as possible and they should seek out treatment. There are various treatment options available, but the chances are that you will need to enter rehab in order to receive any of the available treatment options. Some treatment options includes being treated with drugs, as well as speaking with a professional and receiving support from other recovering drug addicts. The treatment that will be provided to you depends on a few factors, such as how long you have been addicted to the drug for.
Speak with your doctor today or check yourself into a rehab center that can help you quit using Heroin.