Subutex is a prescription drug used in the treatment of opiate addiction. Subutex is prescribed to recovering addicts who have a difficult time abstaining from opiate drugs. The recovering addict may benefit from Subutex if they suffer from depression. The depression accompanying opiate withdrawal may compel the individual to go back to their drug of choice.
Buprenorphine is the main ingredient in Subutex. This ingredient prevents the withdrawal symptoms of opiate abuse. Buprenorphine acts similar to opiates, binding to opioid receptors in the brain. Often with long-term opiate abuse, the brain requires a larger dosage of the opiate just to feel normal. As buprenorphine binds to the opiate receptors, it actually blocks the receptors. This helps calm the opiate cravings, creating a fairly normal situation. This drug eliminates the typical withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness and general overall pain. This drug helps prevent a relapse, as it lasts all day. It helps the recovering addict focus on the recovery process for their opiate addiction.
People often wonder, "Does Subutex get you high?" Subutex can create a euphoric high. However, the high is much milder compared to a true opiate high. Individuals that do not have any opiates in their body will experience a stronger opiate high from Subutex. People can also get high from Subutex if it is used in a method other than prescribed. This drug has a ceiling to its ability to create a euphoric high. Once that plateau is reached, using additional amounts of the drug will not create a stronger high. For the recovering addict, the main benefits of the drug are the ability to stop cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Subutex only works with proper psychological counseling, support from friends and family and the ability to make lifestyle changes.
Caution is necessary when combining Subutex with other drugs. Combining this drug with other prescriptions such as benzodiazepines can cause respiratory failure and death. It is important to tell your health care providers about your current prescriptions before using Subutex. This is required to avoid any serious adverse reactions. When used as prescribed, Subutex can help the recovering addict free themselves from opiate drugs.
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