When trying to determine if you're addicted to the internet, think about how much time you spend away from your computer. This can be difficult if you use the computer for work or school. When counting the time on the computer don't include the time when you're actually doing work.
Because your life may revolve around the computer, you may need to do this for a couple of days. If you find that at the end of the week the majority of your leisure time was spent online then you may have an internet addiction.
To test your internet addiction and to see if it's affecting you, quit using the computer for awhile. If you find that you have trouble staying away from the internet this addiction may be having a negative impact on your life.
While internet addiction does not seem like serious problem, it can be. It can be just as bad for you as any other addiction because it can rob you of your relationships with other people and your time. Internet addiction can crush your productivity and lower your self-esteem.
In order to reclaim your time and your life you need to fight this addiction. Unfortunately, unlike other addictions you can't just quit, after all you may still need to use the internet in your daily life for work or school. That's why you need to get help.
If you feel that you have an internet addiction it's easy to start on the road to recovery by talking to a mental health professional.
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