No two people are exactly alike; each individual has their own likes, dislikes, talents, shortcomings, habits, and patterns. We have all heard this in the context of learning and education, that not everyone can learn information in the same way, but the same is true for learning how to kick habits and to learning to stay sober. Just as some children need a more individualized, personal learning plan, some recovering addicts require individualized addiction treatment planning.

The first step in putting together a personalized addiction recovery plan, is getting the individual off of the drugs or alcohol, but doing this in the safest way possible. Some drugs and alcohol can cause withdrawals so severe, that the recovering addict could die; in these cases, a full medically supervised detox would be recommended -- for safety reasons.

It is important to balance all the needs of each individual patient. Some individuals, though desperately needing treatment, have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. For these individuals, Intensive Outpatient Treatment may be the better solution over a stay in a residential treatment facility. Discussions would also be made at this time to plan ongoing counseling after the initial treatment, and continued recovery options.
Receiving An Individualized Addiction Treatment Plan
Summit Behavioral Health is a strong believer in the power of individualized addiction treatment planning, and works with both patients and their families and loved ones to ensure that a successful recovery plan is put into place, and lives can start being rebuilt. The trusted addiction specialists of Summit Behavioral Health are your best plan for ensuring that your recovery will be successful.
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