Different types of illicit drugs have different effects on the body. Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that users take it to achieve a "high" or a feeling of euphoria. But the stimulating effects can also be potentially dangerous. Predominantly, it is the effect on the heart which is of the most concern. Even a small amount of cocaine can cause a racing heartbeat, and there is a greatly heightened risk of cardiac arrest or heart failure. Other dangerous side effects include high blood pressure and a fever.
Many cocaine users know that they need to give up the substance because it is doing a lot of damage to their body. However, this is not easy. The drug can cause structural changes in the brain which conditions the brain to crave the drug. When taken for a long period, it can be hard for a drug addict to feel normal pleasurable sensations and emotions without the artificial stimulus. The addiction can be particularly strong if the user smokes the cocaine (known as "crack"), as the drug can reach the blood stream very quickly.
When a person is a heavy cocaine user, they risk damaging the delicate cartilage in their nose - this is the part which separates the nostril into two separate passages. When this cartilage erodes away, it can leave one single nostril and a very deformed nose. This has been known to trigger severe mental health issues, as the person finds it difficult to come to terms with their impaired looks.
If you have a cocaine addiction, seek help from your nearest drug treatment center: