Not all people who drink a lot on regular basis become alcoholics. Some of them have the ability to metabolize alcohol as if nothing happened, thus being fully functional as soon as the temporary effects of alcohol consumption pass. Others, though, become very sensitive to alcohol, so that even a small quantity can make them drunk immediately. This is alcoholism, a serious disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Alcoholism is a plague of our modern society because it makes the individuals unable to perform any kind of work, it isolates them from the society and it makes them slaves to their daily dose of drinking no matter what.
Alcoholics need to undergo medical treatment if they want to cure themselves. This requires a strong will from their side, as well as a recognition of the fact that they are sick and in need to help. Unfortunately, many alcoholics live in denial, so they are impossible to treat, since they refuse even the idea there might be anything wrong with them. Many times, they become violent when they drink, they abuse their families, therefore sooner or later they are found alone and without any means of supporting themselves. Spouses and family members of alcoholic people have a hard time, but if they are strong and determined, they may have a chance to get their beloved ones seek for medical attention before it's too late.
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