When you're on pain medications, it's hard to get off of them due to the fact that you will have withdrawals. They will range from very mild to very severe with a lot of pain. If this is something you've been having trouble with, you may want to get all the help you need with getting off of them by having someone either wean you off of the medication or by taking something else that can ease you through it. Whatever the case may be, remember what this feels like so that you can realize why you shouldn't use again.
In the end you'll probably want to go into treatment of some kind. This is so that you can relearn what it's like to be sober and how to live your life without having access to drugs all the time. You'll need to be very sure that you work hard on getting clean and staying that way. Stick with the treatment plan you're put on until they tell you it's over with. Even if you feel better, you may not be ready to take on life until you've had a lot of work done with you. Be patient and things will work for you.
You should now have what it takes to get off of pain medications if they're something you're dealing with getting off of. This is important to do now so that you're able to stay clean and get your life back into order. Good luck and try your best!
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