Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The dangers of certain prescription medications


There are lots of over-the-counter pain medications that have suddenly become scheduled medications. There’s a very good reason for this is because these medications are highly addictive because of certain ingredients in them. Ingredients like codeine, for instance. Oxycontin is another one of those kinds of medications that you need Doctor’s prescription for before you can lay your hands on them. The reason for this is because Oxycontin or oxycodone, is in fact a steroid-based medication, and therefore highly addictive.

Now while the steroid content of Oxycontin might seem fairly low, they are not and they do have some other unpleasant surprises, other than addiction, like water retention and sometimes severe bloating. And of course naturally to combat these side effects, one would need more prescription medication to get rid of that. That’s creating a vicious cycle of prescription medications.

The fact is, pain medication has become a lot of people’s drug of choice. Some feel that by taking something that is prescribed by a doctor, it cannot be as bad as taking cocaine or using heroin. And this is why tragedies happen, because people are uneducated about the medications they are taking, is that they at best, become completely addicted to the medication they are taking, or worse, become so lax with this drug that they leave it lying around where small hands can reach them, which often resulting in tragedy.

Let’s look at Oxycontin little bit more in depth. First of all, it is an opioid drug that is generally used for management of mild to serious pain. This medication is generally prescribed for use over a prolonged period of time. Some of the more “normal” side-effects of Oxycontin includes nausea, vomiting, sometimes some dizziness, dry mouth and sweating, just to name a few. Some of the more serious reactions are things sleep apnea, low blood pressure and even death. Some of the more infrequent and rare side effects of Oxycontin are excessive sweating, indigestion, fever, depression, itching and hives, migraines, UTIs, water retention, loss of appetite, difficulty in swallowing and stomach cramps. These are but a few of the long list of rare, but dangerous side-effects of this humble little pill.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Morphine And Opioid Derivatives, Oxycodone, And Morphine Addiction To Pain Meds


There are some very strong pain medications that are available to patients who undergo chronic pain from surgery, cancer, accidents, burns, and many other maladies that cause serious pain over a period of time. The longer the medication is taken, the more likely the possibility of addiction.

Opioids are psychoactive chemicals that resemble morphine in the effects that they have on the brain. Opioids block the pain sensations that are received by the brains from the injured area. After these drugs are taken for some time, they are difficult to stop once the pain is alleviated by healing and recovery of the surgery or injury.

Opioids are well known for their properties for addiction as well as the ability of the drugs to create a feeling of euphoria and an exotic high when taken as an over dose. The overdose is where the real problem lies.

Believe it or not, the biggest drug problem in the United States is not heroin and cocaine addiction, but addiction from opioid drugs such as Oxycodene which began as pain medication. There are currently 45 deaths per day from overdose of opioids compared to 20 deaths per day from cocaine and heroin overdoses.

There are programs for scaling down the prescription of these drugs when a person comes off of them, but once a person experiences the high from them, it can be difficult to stop. Many people find a way to continue taking them on an illegal basis beyond their prescription.

Once addicted, it is impossible for a person to get off of the drug on their own. It requires treatment in a facility where the patient is confined. There the patient is closely supervised and monitored in the process of getting off of the drug.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Entering the world of Steroids, Roids, Stackers, Juice, Substance Abuse Treatment


Drug addiction is a serious problem no matter how you look at it. When you are becoming addicted to any substance there is a good chance you do not KNOW you are becoming addicted. Instead you tell yourself that you can handle it, or that you are different from the millions of others who have experienced the same thing. The truth however, is that you are not different. There was once a celebrity who stated he had 'cured it with my brain(sic)', and whether or not he did it completely debatable. You, however, are not him, and you will find that addiction is a very real thing.

With drug addiction, the substances that we abuse actually affect the pleasure center of the brain, replacing all of the things we held dear. This includes our hobbies, our friends, our families, and even our jobs. At some point during the addiction process you will crave nothing but drugs and your body will believe that you need them in order to survive.

If you want to reclaim your life and live normally again, then you will need to seek steroids, roids, Stackers, Juice, substance abuse treatment. Getting the treatment you need will require admitting to yourself and others that you have a problem, and it will require asking for help. Once you are able to ask for help however you will find that there are plenty of resources and plenty of opportunities to 'get clean'. If you are ready to ask for help, then there is an entire life waiting for you at the end of a long road. Yes it will take some time, but the only way to get there is to start on your drug and alcohol abuse treatment today.

Addictions and Celebrities

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Addiction To Sleep Medications


It is estimated that close to a third of all Americans do use sleeping pills as a remedy to various sleeping conditions such as insomnia. These sleep medications do offer relief to the numerous sufferers of Insomnia which is a nasty condition. The danger lies in the fact that due to prolonged usage there is a possibility of developing an addiction.

Addiction to sleeping pills refers to the level of dependence on the drugs such that any attempt to stop taking the medication results in withdrawal symptoms just like any other drugs. The truth of the matter is that no one sets out to be an addict to these pills. It often starts out as a prescription remedy for various sleep disorders. The feeling created by sleeping pills is similar to that of alcohol or drugs and the user may start using the sleep medication to escape their problems.

There is a real danger in getting addicted to sleeping pills. Drugs such as Lunesta, Sonata, or even Ambien are good in the treatment of various sleeping conditions but abuse of the same will result in the following. Loss of interest in hobbies, inability to reduce the dosage of sleeping pills, withdrawal symptoms, denial, defensiveness about the use of drugs, increased neglect of their personal duties and responsibilities, neglect of persona; hygiene, and increased tolerance to the drug.

The treatment of the addiction to sleeping pills is done by gradually reducing the amount of pills taken till the user is off the drugs completely. The reason why this is so is that getting off the medication is the only safe treatment option. The user slowly gets off the drug by gradually reducing the dosage to avoid any withdrawal symptoms. Long term addiction may require an actual visit to a rehabilitation center to undergo a more intensive program to get off the addiction.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Addiction To Crystal Meth And Speed - Solutions For These Problems


You have probably heard about drugs by the name of crystal meth or speed. Many people go into substance abuse treatment centers to help them with these problems. Meth is actually short for methamphetamine and individuals that take these drugs can often find themselves addicted and degenerating as a result of what they do to the human body. People may begin to age very quickly, all a result of problems they are experiencing with their addiction. Here are some tips on how to avoid addiction to crystal meth, and where you can get drug rehabilitation information.

Ways To Stop Using Crystal Meth

To stop using crystal meth, a person only has to find a clinic in their area that can help them with this addiction. It's also a good idea to not use anymore, but because of how easily you can become addicted to the substance, it's something that you will probably need help with accomplishing. That's why treatment centers are so valuable in regard to helping people stop using crystal or speed. It's impossible to know how addicted you have become until you start working directly with these facilities.

Finding Treatment Centers Near You

A treatment center in your area will likely be listed in the Yellow Pages, and most definitely on the web. You can search Google or other search engines and find these treatment centers very quickly. They are able to provide people with the help that they need to get through this difficult time. After a few weeks of rehabilitation, most people are clean, and can stay that way. This information should lead you to finding a methamphetamine treatment center that can help you if you suffer from this addiction, an addiction that many people have today.

Learn More About Crystal Meth Addiction and Recovery with Addiction Treatment Magazine:
Addiction Treatment Magazine

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Drug Rehabilitation Centers In Your Area


When you are addicted to methamphetamines, you will need more of them every day. Unless you have a prescription for these drugs, you will have to buy them on the street. Depending upon the strength of the drug that you are using, your addiction level could be high. It can impair your ability to function normally without the drug, which is why getting help at a treatment center is so imperative. It is very dangerous if you have been addicted for quite some time as it can cause quite a few physical and mental problems. Here are ways to find drug rehabilitation centers for meth addiction.

Getting Help For Meth Addiction

As you may know, crystal meth is a stimulant that is commonly smoked or injected. Although it can be used as a pill, which you can get from your doctor, the strongest effects are felt by those that are injected by needle into the main. When people have an addiction, they may actually stay up for several days, and going to a manic phase. They will have obsessive needs to do things, such as a compulsive disorder to clean or move around. It can actually cause damage to your brain cells, which is why getting help right away is so important if you have a meth addiction.

Places To Find Addiction Help

The first place to look is the Internet which will have addiction centers listed in your areas. This will be found in the local listings, or you can check the phone book for treatment options. Contact your doctor and they will be able to recommend someone to help you if you are suffering from this type of addiction. Getting help for methamphetamine addiction is of utmost importance for your health and your life. Go ahead and contact a methamphetamine treatment center today.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Addiction Treatment for Opiates


Drug addiction plagues people all around the world, creating trouble for the addicts and their families. Opiates are one substance that people find themselves addicted to and it is important that anyone caught up in this dangerous cycle seek treatment in order to break free.

When a person first enters a drug rehabilitation center, they will go through a detox period. The staff will monitor them and a doctor may even prescribe some medications during this period of time. Withdrawal can cause vomiting, hallucinations, and even seizures. Some meds can alleviate some of these and others can help with the overall negative feelings associated with detoxing.

Afterwards, the patient will have the opportunity to speak one on one with a counselor. This trained professional can help them to develop a treatment plan and also figure out how to prevent future relapses. The patient will meet with this individual on a regular basis while in treatment to discuss various issues that may be troubling them.

In addition, patients are given the opportunity to share their feelings and situation with other patients during group sessions. These meetings are an invaluable source of support for the addict and can give them an idea of what support groups will be like once they leave treatment as well.

Many treatment centers also provide a great deal of information about addiction and the recovery process. Trained lecturers will present different information and videos and books can supplement these materials to help an addict comprehend what is going on.

If you or a loved one are addicted to opiates, there is hope. Finding a drug treatment center that has trained professionals in opiate addiction is the best place to start. These centers provide the foundation an addict needs in order to break the cycle.

Addiction Treatment for Opiates In an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Setting From Summit Intensive Outpatient Treatment:

Summit Intensive Outpatient Program

Is Overcoming An Eating Addiction Possible?

Being dependent on food is a serious psychological condition. Individuals who become addicted to food often turn to eating because they need comfort or need to feel that they are in control of their life. Is is possible to overcome an eating addiction.

Food addiction is a very recent terms. Studies have shown that eating foods rich in fat or sugar trigger the release of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are the chemicals that create a sensation of pleasure. There is no physical addiction to food but individuals become dependent on junk food to get over negative emotions.

Food addiction is not recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, the behaviors and symptoms experienced by patients are very similar to what drug addicts go through. Food addiction is diagnosed by using the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The Scale is designed to determine whether or not a patient responds to food the same way a drug addicts responds to the substance they crave.

It is possible to treat food addiction. There are several programs designed to help people get over their addiction and adopt healthy nutritional habits. Medication is sometimes used to suppress the sensation of hunger and most patients go through psychological treatment to resolve issues that caused them to become addicted to food.

Being diagnosed and treated for food addiction should be a priority if you feel that you have an unhealthy relationship to eating. Food addiction is closely connected to obesity and psychological conditions such as depression. Adopting a healthy diet will significantly reduce your risks of developing a wide number of health problems and will also have a positive impact on your self-image. It is important to keep in mind that treatment for food addiction should be adapted in function of each patient.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Crack Cocaine Abuse and the Hope for Recovery


There are many forms of substance abuse that keep people from living happy and fulfilling lives. One drug that has caused a great deal of harm to individuals and families is crack cocaine. It is made from cocaine which has had additional substances added to it. People then smoke the resulting "rock."

These small amounts of crack can provide a quick high but, once the addict comes down from it, they will rapidly begin searching for ways to obtain more. Once bank accounts are depleted, users will often turn to selling or pawning their belongings in order to support their habit.

At this point, if the addict does not seek help, they  may turn to theft or prostitution to pay for the drug. Those caught up in this criminal lifestyle often have no criminal record prior to becoming involved with drugs.

Relationships with family begin to deteriorate for the person who is addicted to crack cocaine. The addict is often unable to communicate effectively and avoids family and friends in favor of opportunities to smoke more rock.

When a person reaches this point, it is important that they seek help from a qualified rehabilitation center. A drug treatment program is the best place for an individual to detox from drugs and learn about recovery. Most facilities offer round the clock monitoring for patients while their system clears from street drugs.

A counselor will help the patient to develop a plan for success once they are released from treatment. This may include individual counseling sessions with a drug treatment therapist and group support meetings.

When a person has become addicted to crack, it can be disturbing for them and those around them. The best way for an addict to handle the situation is to seek in patient treatment immediately.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An Overview Of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide


Back in the 1960s, a drug by the name of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide was created. Also known as LSD or acid, it is well known for its ability to give people what are commonly called "acid trips". Psychologically speaking, LSD affects people differently, but the end result is very similar in most cases. They perceive something that is completely different from our reality now, trips that may last up to 12 hours or more. One of the most well-known users of this drug was Timothy Leary, a Harvard University professor that soon became synonymous with LSD. Although research is now being done for the first time in over 30 years on the medicinal benefits of LSD, it is often thought to be an underground drug that should be avoided. Here are some tips on how to find help if you are addicted to acid today.

What Does LSD Do?

Whether this drug is called Blotter, Acid or one of the many other names Lysergic Acid Diethylamide has been given over the years, it has many interesting qualities which drive people to try it at least once based upon what they have heard. It is able to create psychological effects in which surfaces appear to be moving. When people close their eyes, they can see colors, or may even associate the sounds that they hear with moving imagery. Geometric patterns are often part of the trip, and many people believe that they have perceived outside worlds. Its ability to affect our emotions, our perception of time, and all of our senses, makes it highly coveted in circles where experiencing an altered reality are highly valued.

Treatment For LSD

There are many drugs that can become addicting. Opiates, cocaine, and heroin are able to change our body's chemistry, making us want the drug, and if we don't get it, causing withdrawals. The main draw behind LSD are the effects that happen to our perceptions, and it is the changes that are perceived which make people very addicted to the experience. You can work with drug treatment centers across the country that can help with your acid addiction. Most people are simply better off not being addicted to any type of substance, and LSD is certainly one of them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Marijuana Abuse


With the increase in legalization of marijuana, many people have begun to consider it a non-addictive substance. However, this is not always the case. Just as some prescription drugs can have a medical use, they can also be abused.

Often, people begin to smoke pot recreationally. Most quit after the first few times. However, some discover they prefer to go through life high on marijuana rather than cope with life as it is. This can lead to many problems. The individual may begin to focus more and more on finding pot to smoke.

Coming up with the money to get high generally becomes an issue because people under the influence of marijuana frequently have troubles at work as well. Lost jobs can create family problems. If a former employer knows that a person has substance abuse issues, it is unlikely that they will provide a good job reference.

Family frequently becomes distanced from the marijuana abuser. This is because the addict is generally somewhere getting high rather than participating in family and social functions. This can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration.

Fortunately, there is help for anyone caught up in the destructive cycle of substance abuse. Going to a treatment center can help the marijuana addict to break their addictive habit. The patient will have the opportunity to meet others who are also trying to get clean and sober.

Group meetings and individual counseling sessions allow addicts the opportunity to work through some of the issues that led to their addiction to begin with. The staff will also help the addict to construct a relapse prevention program to help them stay clean once they are released from treatment.

If you are caught up in the cycle of addiction, there is hope. Find a treatment center near you today.

Summit Behavioral Health Treats Addiction with Detoxification, Dual Diagnosis Therapy, and Personalized Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs:

Summit Behavioral Health

Marijuana Is A Drug Like Any Other

There are many people all over this world that smoke marijuana, and many of them feel like this is not a drug at all. Despite the fact that it alters the mood and many people have side-effects when they are not smoking for long periods, people think this is just another source of entertainment.

When I meet new people, they seem very surprised that I don't smoke. It is scary that marijuana is such a string part of society that it is shocking when someone decides that they actually want to avoid indulging in drugs. That is a very sad state of affairs, yet society acts like this is the norm.

Now that many states are talking about legalizing marijuana, this will probably pave the way for more people to become addicted. I believe this because many people I know stayed away from it because they were concerned about breaking laws. Now that it will be accessible to all, there is nothing that will stop them from smoking.

People say that it is not so bad because you don't see people addicted to it and all that, but this is not the case at all. In fact, there are plenty of people who show signs of addiction when marijuana is not in their reach. For example, my ex-boyfriend used to walk around testy and temperamental whenever he did not have any in his system. This means that I had to walk on eggshells until he got the money to buy his next fix.

While you don't see signs everywhere telling people how terrible marijuana is, that does not mean that it is perfectly safe. Just like cigarettes, it is a natural plant that has many additives unknown to the smokers. The best thing you could ever do for yourself would be to stay far away from it.