Often, people begin to smoke pot recreationally. Most quit after the first few times. However, some discover they prefer to go through life high on marijuana rather than cope with life as it is. This can lead to many problems. The individual may begin to focus more and more on finding pot to smoke.
Coming up with the money to get high generally becomes an issue because people under the influence of marijuana frequently have troubles at work as well. Lost jobs can create family problems. If a former employer knows that a person has substance abuse issues, it is unlikely that they will provide a good job reference.
Family frequently becomes distanced from the marijuana abuser. This is because the addict is generally somewhere getting high rather than participating in family and social functions. This can lead to feelings of isolation and frustration.
Fortunately, there is help for anyone caught up in the destructive cycle of substance abuse. Going to a treatment center can help the marijuana addict to break their addictive habit. The patient will have the opportunity to meet others who are also trying to get clean and sober.
Group meetings and individual counseling sessions allow addicts the opportunity to work through some of the issues that led to their addiction to begin with. The staff will also help the addict to construct a relapse prevention program to help them stay clean once they are released from treatment.
If you are caught up in the cycle of addiction, there is hope. Find a treatment center near you today.
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