Being dependent on food is a serious psychological condition. Individuals who become addicted to food often turn to eating because they need comfort or need to feel that they are in control of their life. Is is possible to overcome an eating addiction.
Food addiction is a very recent terms. Studies have shown that eating foods rich in fat or sugar trigger the release of endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are the chemicals that create a sensation of pleasure. There is no physical addiction to food but individuals become dependent on junk food to get over negative emotions.
Food addiction is not recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. However, the behaviors and symptoms experienced by patients are very similar to what drug addicts go through. Food addiction is diagnosed by using the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The Scale is designed to determine whether or not a patient responds to food the same way a drug addicts responds to the substance they crave.
It is possible to treat food addiction. There are several programs designed to help people get over their addiction and adopt healthy nutritional habits. Medication is sometimes used to suppress the sensation of hunger and most patients go through psychological treatment to resolve issues that caused them to become addicted to food.
Being diagnosed and treated for food addiction should be a priority if you feel that you have an unhealthy relationship to eating. Food addiction is closely connected to obesity and psychological conditions such as depression. Adopting a healthy diet will significantly reduce your risks of developing a wide number of health problems and will also have a positive impact on your self-image. It is important to keep in mind that treatment for food addiction should be adapted in function of each patient.
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