These small amounts of crack can provide a quick high but, once the addict comes down from it, they will rapidly begin searching for ways to obtain more. Once bank accounts are depleted, users will often turn to selling or pawning their belongings in order to support their habit.
At this point, if the addict does not seek help, they may turn to theft or prostitution to pay for the drug. Those caught up in this criminal lifestyle often have no criminal record prior to becoming involved with drugs.
Relationships with family begin to deteriorate for the person who is addicted to crack cocaine. The addict is often unable to communicate effectively and avoids family and friends in favor of opportunities to smoke more rock.
When a person reaches this point, it is important that they seek help from a qualified rehabilitation center. A drug treatment program is the best place for an individual to detox from drugs and learn about recovery. Most facilities offer round the clock monitoring for patients while their system clears from street drugs.
A counselor will help the patient to develop a plan for success once they are released from treatment. This may include individual counseling sessions with a drug treatment therapist and group support meetings.
When a person has become addicted to crack, it can be disturbing for them and those around them. The best way for an addict to handle the situation is to seek in patient treatment immediately.
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