Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why Cocaine Is A Dangerous Substance

Cocaine is a derivative of the coca plant. However, the fact that it has a natural source does not mean that it is safe. In fact, cocaine - also known as coke, snow, Charlie and blow - is one of the most lethal illegal drugs. Part of this is down to its highly addictive nature. It can cause addiction after just one use.

Different types of illicit drugs have different effects on the body. Cocaine is a stimulant, which means that users take it to achieve a "high" or a feeling of euphoria. But the stimulating effects can also be potentially dangerous. Predominantly, it is the effect on the heart which is of the most concern. Even a small amount of cocaine can cause a racing heartbeat, and there is a greatly heightened risk of cardiac arrest or heart failure.  Other dangerous side effects include high blood pressure and a fever.

Many cocaine users know that they need to give up the substance because it is doing a lot of damage to their body. However, this is not easy. The drug can cause structural changes in the brain which conditions the brain to crave the drug. When taken for a long period, it can be hard for a drug addict to feel normal pleasurable sensations and emotions without the artificial stimulus. The addiction can be particularly strong if the user smokes the cocaine (known as "crack"), as the drug can reach the blood stream very quickly.

When a person is a heavy cocaine user, they risk damaging the delicate cartilage in their nose - this is the part which separates the nostril into two separate passages. When this  cartilage erodes away, it can leave one single nostril and a very deformed nose. This has been known to trigger severe mental health issues, as the person finds it difficult to come to terms with their impaired looks.

If you have a cocaine addiction, seek help from your nearest drug treatment center:

laguna beach ocean front rehab

Friday, May 16, 2014

Alcohol Abuse And Its Treatment


Alcohol is the most widespread drug in many countries world wide. When consumed responsibly and in moderation, it can be an excellent mood booster, a good tool for socializing and enjoying life together with friends. However, when abused, alcohol is a silent killer and a catalyst for violence. Alcohol kills because it attacks important organs like the liver and the brain, causing them permanent damage that eventually leads to serious impairments or even death.

Not all people who drink a lot on regular basis become alcoholics. Some of them have the ability to metabolize alcohol as if nothing happened, thus being fully functional as soon as the temporary effects of alcohol consumption pass. Others, though, become very sensitive to alcohol, so that even a small quantity can make them drunk immediately. This is alcoholism, a serious disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Alcoholism is a plague of our modern society because it makes the individuals unable to perform any kind of work, it isolates them from the society and it makes them slaves to their daily dose of drinking no matter what.

Alcoholics need to undergo medical treatment if they want to cure themselves. This requires a strong will from their side, as well as a recognition of the fact that they are sick and in need to help. Unfortunately, many alcoholics live in denial, so they are impossible to treat, since they refuse even the idea there might be anything wrong with them. Many times, they become violent when they drink, they abuse their families, therefore sooner or later they are found alone and without any means of supporting themselves. Spouses and family members of alcoholic people have a hard time, but if they are strong and determined, they may have a chance to get their beloved ones seek for medical attention before it's too late.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Get Help With A Pain Medication Addiction


Pain medications like codeine can be addictive if they're used for a while at doses that are high. Even if this is something a doctor gives to you, that doesn't make this kind of an addiction safe. Here are some tips to get you off of this.

When you're on pain medications, it's hard to get off of them due to the fact that you will have withdrawals. They will range from very mild to very severe with a lot of pain. If this is something you've been having trouble with, you may want to get all the help you need with getting off of them by having someone either wean you off of the medication or by taking something else that can ease you through it. Whatever the case may be, remember what this feels like so that you can realize why you shouldn't use again.

In the end you'll probably want to go into treatment of some kind. This is so that you can relearn what it's like to be sober and how to live your life without having access to drugs all the time. You'll need to be very sure that you work hard on getting clean and staying that way. Stick with the treatment plan you're put on until they tell you it's over with. Even if you feel better, you may not be ready to take on life until you've had a lot of work done with you. Be patient and things will work for you.

You should now have what it takes to get off of pain medications if they're something you're dealing with getting off of. This is important to do now so that you're able to stay clean and get your life back into order. Good luck and try your best!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Don't Allow Painkillers To Run Your Life Anymore

When you first quit using painkillers, you will probably get sick. This can be alleviated to some degree by your doctor giving you medication to soften the withdrawal symptoms. Your doctor may give you a medication that works in a similar way as a painkiller, but its purpose is to get you off of the painkiller, but you don't have to worry about any symptoms from it. If you are looking to get high at this point, you are going to have difficulty getting off of the painkiller anyway. Take your time at this point and work with your doctor and let the process take its natural course.

Once you have eliminated the need for the painkiller you will be relearning how to live live without being high constantly. You will need to eliminate associations with friends that use the drug for this purpose. You will also have to eliminate all things in your home that remind you of your drug use. Don't let yourself have too much idle time on your hands, and find some hobbies or projects to occupy your time. You will be so satisfied and glad that you quit the painkiller you will wonder why you became addicted to it in the first place.

Now that you have read this information on pain medication addiction, you can start working on getting better. Once this advice is put to good use, the future is going to be much easier to navigate. This is not an easy road to travel, and all the wishes and hopes will be of no avail unless you have the will and the ability to follow through with action and results. If you have people around you who can be of assistance in helping you to quit the drug, you will have a much better chance of being successful.