Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Oxycontin Reformulation And Abuse


The abuse of controlled substances is often difficult to mitigate because of their widespread availability. Unlike illegal drugs, these actually perform valid and vital functions in medical settings. It is only when they are misused that problems arise. OxyContin is a good example of this. It's a brand of painkiller that contains oxycodone, an opioid narcotic substance. In proper doses, it can be of tremendous help to patients suffering from moderate to severe pain. Yet some people have begun to abuse it causing the manufacturer to take action through OxyContin reformulation.

The History of OxyContin

There are plenty of other medications that contain oxycodone going under different brand names. What makes OxyContin unique is that it was designed to provide patients with long-lasting relief from pain. Its extended effects were achieved through greater oxycodone content compared to most other competitors. When it was introduced to the US market in 1995, it became widely used by doctors in the treatment of extreme medical cases.

Methods of Abuse

The original formulation of OxyContin created a tablet that was quite brittle. It was easy to crush into a fine powder. People would chew it in their mouths, dissolve it in liquid, and so other kinds of manipulation just so that they could avail of all the oxycodone content at once for quicker pain relief. It didn't take long for recreational drug users to realize that its physical characteristics made it well-suited for their purposes. The drug became the preferred path for opioid abuse especially since it could be obtain virtually anywhere in the country.

Impact of Reformulation

Changes were made when the situation became clear to the manufacturer, the pertinent government agencies, and other concerned sectors. OxyContin was reformulated in such a way as to frustrate those who would want to tamper with it. The tablet no longer lends itself to being crushed for snorting. Even those who find a way to dissolve it in liquid for injection will be discouraged with the results. It will not be immediately released into the bloodstream which takes away the high that abusers crave. Indeed, studies show a significant decrease in OxyContin dependence right after the reformulation.

For More Information on Oxycontin Abuse and Treatment, Visit The Informative Site Below:

Oxycontin Abuse

The Phases Of Crack Cocaine Withdrawal

Crack cocaine withdrawal can, overall, seem like a drawn out, painful process, but the seven stages of withdrawal from crack cocaine will lead to a much safer and healthier life in the long run. Within just a few short weeks, you will be headed towards a clean life away from drug use.

Stage 1: Panic
Within the first three hours after the drug has left your system is the first stage of withdrawal. During this stage, you will do anything to get another fix, including putting yourself into high risk situations by threatening people for money or stealing from businesses.

Stage 2: Crash
You will likely feel very depressed during the twenty four hours after the panic stage. You question your choices and might even swear to yourself that this was the last time, that you will get clean and stay clean this time. There is a high rate of suicide in users during this period.

Stage 3: Honeymoon
During the next five days or so, you will feel on top of the world. Your cravings may have subsided or be completely absent. Many believe they are cured and will leave treatment during this period as they feel they are doing fine on their own.

Stage 4: Cravings
For about a week to ten days after the honeymoon period has finally been snuffed out, you will start craving the drug again. The body is still producing enough chemicals to ward off mood swings, but your defenses will still be up, like denying you are craving or rationalizing another hit.

Stage 5: Mood Swings
During anywhere from the next two weeks to the next two years, you will experience mood swings that you may not even realize you are going through. It is incredibly important during this stage to find a third party, like a support group, that can help guide you through this challenging time that your loved ones may not understand.

Stage 6: Covert Cravings
Within the last few days of your first clean month, and possibly a little after, you might still be experiencing minimal cravings, or even strong cravings, that you try and hide. Communication is key during this time and if you do not feel like your loved ones would understand, then turn to a support group like Narcotics Anonymous.

Stage 7: Cue Conditioning
Anything can trigger a random craving after and during your initial 30 days, but do not give into these cues. If you can make it through, you can depend on loved ones and the help of your support group to keep you in check.

Withdrawing from crack cocaine can be quite an ordeal, but with help from a support group or loved ones, you can make it through. For more articles like this one to help with drugs and drug addiction, follow us.