Friday, December 20, 2013

Addiction to Sleeping Pills is a Growing Concern


In the busy world of today, many people have difficulty winding down and going to sleep. Often, they will seek help from their doctor if the insomnia begins to interfere with their daily lives. While many people have benefited from the use of sleeping pills, there are a growing number who are dependent upon them. At that point, they may cross the line into addiction.

Someone who is addicted to sleeping pills, like Lunesta or Ambien, may find themselves unable to sleep without the drugs. Though it is possible that the doctor prescribing it will increase the dosage, there does come a point where the practitioner will no longer write a prescription for a higher dose.

Even at the lower levels, taking sleeping pills can be dangerous. If the patient has kidney or liver disease, the medication can make it worse. This is because the drug must go through the entire body. A damaged liver will have difficulty processing it.

The possibility of overdose can be high if the person believes that they can not sleep without it. Sometimes, the patient may even forget that they have already taken a dose. Because it puts the person to sleep, they may simply lie down for bed and never wake up again.

Generally, sleep medications should only be used for a short period of time. The patient needs to work on other therapies to help them go to sleep without the use of pain medications.

If someone has become addicted, it is important that they tell their doctor. Though this honesty may be difficult, the doctor can help the individual to wean off of the medication. It may even be necessary for the patient to enter a drug rehabilitation program. They can supervise the withdrawal and help the patient with alternatives.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Don't Let Smoking Continue To Rob You Of Health

As is well known in the science world, nicotine in tobacco is a very addictive substance. This is why kicking the cigarette habit is probably the hardest thing a person can do. Make sure you know how to reach your goal before quitting.

When it comes to smoking cessation, do not make things even harder than they already are. Don't go the cold turkey route. There's a huge chance you'll fail if you use this method. Nicotine is so addictive that a method like therapy, the patch or medication is recommended. These will help you through those initial withdrawal stages, which should make quitting smoking easier.

Tell your loved ones that you want to quit smoking. By entrusting the people close to you with your plan, you give them the power to help you succeed. This might be the extra motivation you need in order to keep on track with quitting smoking.

Make a list of what methods you can use to quit. Take time to customize your list as a way to quit smoking more effectively. What works for someone else may not work for you. It is very important that you specifically figure out what ways work the best for you. Creating this personalized list does just that.

If you suddenly get the urge to smoke, try to delay your smoking. If you do something else and then re-evaluate your feelings after a few minutes, you'll find that the worst of the cravings are gone. If the 10 minutes wasn't enough, then keep delaying yourself until it urge has passed.

Remember that you are having a hard time quitting because you are addicted. Nicotine withdrawal will take a big toll on your body and mind. Implement the tips in this article and simplify the process of quitting for yourself. With these tips and tricks, as well as your effort, you can stop smoking.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Some Alcohol Addiction Facts To Help You

Alcohol is a substance that a lot of people abuse for one reason or another. If you think that you or someone you know has a problem with it, then you should check this article out. It will give you some alcohol facts so you can get the help you're looking for.

If you can't go for a 24 hour period without drinking, then you may have an alcohol problem. A lot of people that drink do so because they want to feel normal or a little drunk before they do anything else. This pattern can get out of hand really fast. Eventually it takes more and more alcohol to get the effects of it, and then that means that you're putting yourself at risk for alcohol poisoning. You will have a hard time keeping work or your relationships so it can really do a number on your life.

When you do decide that you want to quit, you may want to get some medical help. A lot of people experience DTs which could be a problem if you don't get yourself on some medication that slows things down. This is one of the only substances where the withdrawal process can hurt you quite a bit. It may even end with you dying if you've been drinking enough. You need to check into a detox place before you try to quit. That way, you can be watched and monitored, and appropriate medical procedures can be done if there are any complications.

You can find alcohol pretty much everywhere, and that's why it can be hard to get away from at times. Hopefully this article has taught you what you need to do if you or someone you know of is dealing with this kind of an addiction.

Are You Currently Abusing Alcohol, or Have Become Addicted to Alcohol?
Recovery from Alcohol Abuse and Addiction is Possible. Decision Point Center Can Help:

arizona alcohol treatment centers

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Facts About Heroin Addiction

In the 1950s and 60s, familiar drugs that were bought for decades beforehand began to lose over the counter status due to widespread abuse and experimentation with such dangerous substances. Heroin was one such drug that would become a controlled substance, previously able to be purchased from a pharmacy.

Derived from the poppy plant, heroin is a derivative of opium, a substance occurring naturally in the seeds of poppies. As one of the most addictive drugs, it is estimated that over a quarter of all people who try it become addicted, and it is one of the hardest to come off of, with withdrawal symptoms that could be described as horrifying. Users' aging processes accelerate dramatically; adding to this, hair loss and tooth decay are also common side effects of heroin use.

Regular use of heroin attacks the respiratory system, and overdose can lead to suffocation. The lungs become so relaxed, that they cease to work. The body becomes oxygen deprive, cells die, and subsequently the user expires. Even where fatal overdose is not the cause of death, prolonged use of heroin can cause death too. The drug goes after the liver, heart, and lungs, leading to hepatitis (a liver condition), and myocarditis (a heart condition). Heroin use can also lead to contraction of AIDS, not because the drug itself causes it, but because users often share needles.

Heroin is defined as a quick high, and the effects of the drug are nearly instantaneous. However, with the passing of time, the body will build a resistance to the drug, and the dosage will have to be increased to achieve that warm high. In this way, the door to overdose is opened wider and wider the more the user takes the drug.

Parents should talk to their children about the harsh consequences of using this drug, both legal and medical. Friends and family of individuals who are suffering from heroin addiction should seek professional help. It is not an easy subject to address, even when your children do not use drugs. But talking about it today is preferable to your children or friends winding up in rehab tomorrow. Users of drugs often turn to them because there is something else wrong, so probing your child's problems in a gentle way with a view to fixing them may be done in conjunction with telling them not to take drugs, just because.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Prescription Drugs and Addictive Personalities?

Addicts are normally described as someone who is hooked on a dangerous drug such as heroine, marijuana or cocaine. But, there are people in this world, who are addicted to various things other than the aforesaid. It could be a simple thing as a game on a mobile phone or a more serious type of addiction to alcohol and tobacco. There are people who are also addicted to prescribed drugs: mostly psychiatric drugs and painkillers. People who get addicted to these prescribed drugs will usually have a hard time controlling or getting over their addiction.

Psychiatric drugs are usually said to cause addiction in patients more than any other drug category. These drugs will usually lead to a tolerance level in the body, where addiction would be the next eventual step. When it comes to the tolerance level, the patient will have to take more quantities of the drug, in order to get relief from the illness or disorder. That means the effects of the drug are weakened and the dosage would have to be increased to gain the initial effect. Unless the dosage level is increased, withdrawal symptoms are bound to develop in patients. Most common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, agitation and muscle aches.

Opioid pain pills are prescribed more frequently for pain related issues and it has helped teenagers to easily get addicted to this drug. Opioid addiction in teenagers, is only second to Marijuana and this was revealed recently by a medical team, who conducted a research on the subject. 

Experts are not aware of the figures around prescribed drug addiction, but surely they confirm that it is on the rise. It is partly due to the availability of these drugs more freely. Most of the drugs could be obtained over the counter. It was not so, about 10-20 years ago. All this helps in prescriptions drugs causing addictive personalities.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Robotripping and Cough Syrup Abuse Demand Attention

Most readily available over-the-counter cough medications feature DMX as their active ingredient. These medicines also typically include acetaminophen as a pain relieving agent. Though the manufacturers of these products warn against using them in a manner contrary to their intended applications, cough and cold treatments have rapidly become a favored recreational drug among teenagers across the country. "Robotripping," as it is called, has gained an alarming popularity among this most vulnerable demographic group.

The ease with which cough medications can be obtained is what makes this trend especially hazardous. It is not uncommon for teens engaged in the abuse of these medications to consume somewhere between 25-50 times the dosage recommended on the product label. They combine this type of excessive dose with alcohol or other sorts of mind-altering agents to formulate a very potent drug. Because there is little risk and few hurdles involved in purchasing cough medicine, this particular brand of drug abuse often serves as a pathway to more serious substance abuse issues down the road.

Sadly, far too many parents are unaware of the real threats to their teenagers posed by alcohol and drug abuse and miss the warning signs along the way. There are many parents who simply prefer to sweep the issue under the rug and hope it goes away as the kids grow older. Unfortunately, indifference or denial on the part of parents often results in a dangerous escalation of the underlying problem.

Estimates suggest that ten percent of all American teenagers have had a robotripping experience. Unfortunately, kids are often under the false impression that because cough medicine is an everyday household product that is easily obtainable, they are not doing anything particularly dangerous by using it. However, tussin (also known by the name DMX) can be extremely addictive when used to excess. Furthermore, it can prove deadly when combined with pills, alcohol or other drugs.

Ingesting large quantities of DMX can produce hallucinogenic episodes akin to those that result from the use of ecstasy and LSD. Some of the more frightening potential effects of DMX abuse include brain bleeds, seizures, irregular heartbeat and death.

It is essential that teenagers are made aware of the true danger posed by robotripping. A thorough understanding of the risks involved may be enough to dissuade a large number of kids from participating in this highly damaging pastime. Teenagers need to realize that they are not simply dabbling with a harmless household product. They are putting their health and safety in dire jeopardy.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What are Natural Hallucinogens?

Psilocybin is a chemical found in certain types of mushrooms that when consumed cause and hallucinogenic effect. This chemical belongs to the same family as LSD due to the similar effects.

These hallucinogens are used by people in various ways, depending on what form they come in. The mushrooms are either boiled or dried, and then smoked or eaten. Some people will even swallow or smoke the mushrooms.

The effects caused on a short term basis include:

  • Hallucinations

  • Distorted sense in place and time

  • Poor co-ordination

  • Increase in the temperature of the body that causes the person to either sweat or experience chills

  • The user will experience loss of control in concentration and thinking processes

The effects caused on a long term basis may cause the user to experience prolonged depression, anxiety and impaired memory. Another long term effect is something known as a flashback that can occur even years after taking the drug.

Natural hallucinogens usually cause a person to have a psychological dependence to the drug, rather than a physical dependence. A regular user of the drug can start to experience feelings of craving or need when they stop taking it.

The danger of using these mushrooms is that some contain a highly toxic poison, this can cause the person to become violently ill due to the poisoning effect and can even lead to hospitalizing or even death.

The poison in the mushroom is known as Datura and is very similar in appearance to the ones used for their hallucinogenic effects. It is therefore easy to confuse the two and the outcome could be fatal to the user.

Even though mushrooms are a natural drug .It is advisable for any person that abuses a drug to seek the help of a treatment center, to aid them in leading a normal life again.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How Teens Get Alcohol Is Very Simple

There are a number of ways that teens get alcohol. It is actually not that hard for them and there are plenty of options for them to try. Just remember how you got it back in your day. Well the same options are available to them as they were available to you. Kid's these days are just as inclined to party. You need to remember that your teenager can get a hold of anything that you used to be able to get a hold of. They are just as crafty as the teens back in your day.

The number one way of teens getting alcohol is by steeling yours. This is why it is always important to keep your liquor cabinet locked and hide the beer in the back of the fridge. They will steel small amounts of alcohol at a time thinking that you wont notice. Make sure to count your beers!

Another way that teams get alcohol is through fake Identification cards. These are more common them a lot of parents realize and are fairly cheap. There is actually a wide market for these and they are easy to find. But the government is cracking down on it! Now there is a bar code to swipe on these cards to make sure that it is real.

Kids will also get other kids to buy alcohol for them. Older kids that are still defiant will do this and there is not much you can do about it. Make sure to talk to your kids about why this is wrong. They will understand...

Alcohol is very damaging to young body. You need to prevent our youth from getting it! Make sure that you take every measure to prevent its consumption! It might even save your child's life!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Habits and Common Practices of an Alcoholic


Confessions of the Lifestyles of an Alcoholic
From a Confessed Alcoholic

My name is Jaimie and I am an alcoholic in recovery. The reason I am writing this, is that many out there still do not understand what it is like to be an alcoholic, as the word "alcoholic" has come to present a specific and stereotypical image lumping all that suffer from this disease together. Alcoholism and its effects are wide and varied. I can only speak from my own experiences, but hope this will shed some light on a misunderstood subject.

A common misconception is that alcoholics will go into a bar in the morning, drink all day, and leave late at night. This is not necessarily true, especially if that alcoholic is not a millionaire. A true alcoholic needs to retain certain levels of alcohol in their system to be able to feel normal and balanced. an 8 dollar drink with two shots of liquor in it is not an effective way to keep the "needed" or craved for amounts of alcohol.

Binge Drinking
This is often thought of as a pounding thirty beers in a few hours, but a binge usually lasts days not hours. When an alcoholic binges, it is usually on a steadily high amount of alcohol over 3-4 days. These 3-4 days is usually spent at home simply sitting and drinking. Sleep is hard to  come by during these binges unless you pass out, even then you will only be out for a couple of hours and will wake up wide awake and craving the continuance of the binge.

Alcoholics may try numerous times to quit drinking, especially after a long binge that has left you weak, sick, and desperate. This sick feeling sticks around for about two days, and usually alcoholics can go for 2 days without drinking and sticking to their sobriety pledge. However, the 3rd or 4th day, you are starting to feel better. Much better, your thinking is starting to get much clearer, but far too clear. This is when panic sets in, and you are not sure what to do with yourself... In my case, I would get this feeling and think that I needed to dumb-down my racing mind and extra energy, so would have a drink to take the edge off a little. It works... I would already begin to feel calm again, and think that the  one drink worked. Within an hour, you are craving another rink, and another, an soon you are right back where you started.

Becoming Sober
My alcoholism was more of a mental addiction than a physical addiction. I did not have the pain, hallucinations, or possibly-lethal withdrawals that physical dependent alcoholics get, so I felt comfortable with attending an intensive outpatient program. This was done through substance abuse counseling programs that I could attend around my work schedule, and still live at home while getting sober. This option is not for everyone, but worked for me. I can't say exactly how or when I noticed I no-longer had a problem with alcohol, it just sort of happened unexpectedly, and has changed my life for the better.

Northridge Counseling offeres intensive outpatient programs and substance abuse counseling for addictions to alcohol and to drugs. Our wonderful counselers and staff will try and help you transform your life for the better, just as Jaimie was able to. Contact us today:

north ridge substance abuse counseling

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thinking About Quitting Smoking? Try These Tips!

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, then you do not need to be told why you should do it. You already know that being tobacco free means saving money and protecting the health of yourself and those that share the air with you. What you don't know is how to quit smoking, but that's where this article comes in, so read on.

Sometimes when you're trying to quit smoking, scare tactics can help. Scan a few pictures of cancer patients, individuals who have aged significantly due to cigarettes, or damaged lungs. Keep these in view at all times and they just might scare you into staying away from those dangerous cigarettes.

When aiming to kick the smoking habit for good, you should always believe that you can do it. Think about all the incredible things you have accomplished in your life so far. This will help you realize you have the strength to overcome this addiction. Having faith in yourself is not only important for quitting smoking, but it's also important for overall success in your life.

If you want to stop smoking forever, stop thinking about forever. Instead of focusing on quitting forever, just focus on quitting for today. A shorter timeline can make your journey more manageable, both physically and mentally. Once you start becoming comfortable with your commitment to stop smoking, you can start to make longer term goals.

Don't Go Cold Turkey
Do not quit cold turkey. It can be tempting to throw out your cigarettes and say, "I quit!" But cold turkey is not the way you want to go. Studies show that over ninety percent of people who try to quit smoking with no medication or therapy end up relapsing. The reason for this is because nicotine is addictive and your brain craves it. Without it, nicotine withdrawal symptoms set in.

If you want to quit smoking, you need to identify factors that will motivate you to stop. Preventing lung cancer, tooth decay, gum disease and emphysema, or protecting your family are strong motivators. Showing respect for your body and for the gift of life is also a powerful motivating force. Whatever reason you choose, it needs to be enough to prevent you from lighting up again in the future.

Looking at a picture of smoker's lungs may be all you need to quit smoking. When a person smokes, their lungs turn black after a while and they could end up with lung cancer. As harsh as it may seem, viewing the picture may set off a signal in your brain to quit.

Don't give up if you slip up. Anytime someone tries to give something up that they have been doing for years, there will likely be a struggle. When that struggle exists, slip ups often happen. If you do slip up, get right back on track and try again. The worst thing you can do is turn a slip up into an excuse to keep smoking, so don't do it.

When you started reading this article, you had the desire to quit smoking and knew the reasons why you should. Now, you also know some tips on how to go about it. Apply the ideas presented here, either individually or in combinations, for a chance at becoming an exsmoker yourself.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Inhalant Drugs And The Health Risks They Pose

If you are like most people you probably do not know anyone that has tried or uses inhalants to get high. The most common types of inhalants are spray paint, glues and solvents and nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as whip it! Below you will read some facts regarding inhalant abuse.

The use of inhalants can be traced back to the 1970's when they became very popular, especially among people in their late teens to early twenties. Today the trend has shifted and inhalants have become very popular with people in their early to mid-teens. This is generally due to the fact that not only are inhalants easier to get then other illegal drugs they are also much cheaper. Because they are so inexpensive and readily available people tend to use and abuse them more and addictions are on the rise. A scary statistic is that almost 20% of today’s teenage population has tried some sort of inhalant.

This is a frightening statistic because it is very easy to have fatal complications when using inhalants. One very common problem is people actually choking on their own vomit after using inhalants. The risks are increased when the inhalants are abused in confined spaces like a bedroom or inhaled from bags. One very scary possibility is called sniffing death syndrome, when this happens the person’s heart suddenly stops beating and they die instantly.

If you use inhalants as a recreational drug and do not become addicted you still have many health risks to worry about. Many people who have casually used inhalants are experiencing kidney and liver complications as a result of their inhalant use. Intense migraines are also another possible long term side effect.

I know most people do not consider inhalants drugs and many people think they are not as dangerous as traditional drugs, but they are. So if you are thinking about trying inhalants don't do it! And if you know someone who might be using please talk to them and make them realize the risks.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Getting Off Of Benzodiazepines Can Be Difficult

When you're trying to get off of benzodiazepines like Xanax or Valium, then you're going to need some help probably. The following text is going to help you to figure out what you can do to get yourself into rehab and off of this addictive type of medication.

Don't just stop taking this kind of medication cold turkey if you've been using it for a while. The problem with coming off of this medication is that you can experience seizures and other symptoms that are life threatening. You may start to hallucinate and you'll get shaky, much like alcohol withdrawals. If you can, you need to ask your doctor if you can get on a tapering plan so that you can slowly ween yourself off of this medication. Just stopping is dangerous, and if you feel like you're having any difficulties when you stop you may want to check into the hospital.

Don't think that rehab is just for people that are on drugs that you can get on the street. There are plenty of people that have to get into rehab that are using their prescription medication in the wrong way. It's going to be tough to admit to yourself that you have a problem, but once you get a little bit of sober time under your belt you're going to realize that you feel quite a bit better without these substances ruling your life. It can be done, you just have to be serious with yourself about quitting.

As you can see, there is help for you if you're on medications like Ativan or any benzodiazepine. You just have to be ready to quit and willing to get some help. You're not in this alone and there are people who have beaten this same addiction in the past!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Success In The Fight Against Drugs

One of the most effective ways to limit just how much suffering your family is subjected to when it comes to drugs would be the the 12 step program. It is important for you to realize that drastic changes are not made overnight. If you go into a battle with drugs with the hopes that you would be able to overcome them quickly, you are going to be let down for quite some time. 

It would be a lot smarter to simply understand that the work that needs to be done is going to take some time. Also, you will need to look for a Texas rehab that accepts insurance, this is the best way to get the help of professionals that have helped thousands of others leave drugs behind forever. When you are in the position of having to choose your treatment, you want to take the time to consider the past success of the facility and just how closely the staff is going to work with you in the future.

When you are able to count on getting more personal attention from the people that understand what it takes to get you to a place where you no longer have to rely on drugs, it is much more likely that you would experience long term success against your addiction. Texas drug treatment insurance would be a great asset in your battle against these problems.

 If you have the protection of this insurance, you would be able to quickly get into some of the best drug programs on the market today. These facilities would give you plenty of attention, they are going to help you find success on the 12 steps to recovery. Simply research the best options that are available to you when it comes to affordable drug treatments. When you select from these options, you are going to give yourself the upper hand when it comes to a fight that you may be taking part in for quite some time.

equine drug addiction therapy

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Horses Help Eliminate Addiction

Touchstone rehab is a unique way to handle all of the different aspects that come along with feeling as if drugs are an important part of waking up on a daily basis. Any person that has ever been addicted to drugs would decide to stop them if they were given the choice. However, the reality is, there comes a point when a person is forced to use drugs in order to avoid getting sick. While they may not want to use, they do so in order to avoid the pain that comes about when they do not have the drug in their system. 

It is important to address all of these things in order to give the person the best chance of overcoming the feeling that they need to use drugs. First, they will need to get the drugs out of their system, this is going to go a long way when it comes to removing the cravings that shaped their behavior in the past. When you get them into drug rehabs with horses, this would allow them to focus their energy in a way that is productive in addition to allowing them to develop a connection with something that they will grow to care about.

Something that you may not know about addiction would be the fact that most people use drugs because they feel as if they are alone in the world. These people do not believe that it matters if they were to pass away in the near future. As a result, they use drugs and get as close to that as possible. When they get into drug rehabs with horses, this would give them a reason that they would be able to wake up in the morning. Simply knowing that they would be riding horses may save their lives. In fact, it is often credited with helping many struggling addicts find the strength that they need in order to stop turning to drugs. 

Horses are great for learning things such as compassion, this would give the addict the ability to develop relationships with people in the future. As you know, these friendships would be the key to surviving even the most difficult of times. With the help of a great addiction and recovery in Texas - horses program, change is very possible. When they start to enjoy the company that horses can provide, they would see the value in changing their addiction habits for good. If you have Texas drug treatment insurance, there are many great programs that are going to become an asset in your battle against addiction.